FuturesCash Staking Stake to Earn

Why Stake on FuturesCash?

Staking is one of the key functions of FCT in the FuturesCash platform. The larger the proportion of tokens used for staking, the higher the return.

Staking on FuturesCash

Users who stake on FuturesCash will automatically become our Premium Users.

Premium users can enjoy free swapping, free withdrawing, free to generate addresses, and more.

Staking Program detail:

· FCT Staking interests are paid in USD in the user’s Futures Card account.
· Staking Period: 180 days Your assets can not be redeemed until the staking period ends.

How to stake on FuturesCash?

1. Sign in to FuturesCash account
2. On the home page, click “Stake to Earn”
3. Select the FCT Staking Program.
4. Click “Subscribe” to stake your FCT and earn rewards.
5. Enter the staking amount and follow the instructions.
6. You are all set! your interest will be paid in USD to your Futures Card account.

Things you need to know:

1. Users who participate in the staking program can obtain USD as staking rewards daily.
2. Users need to activate their FuturesCash to spend their interest.
3. Assets will be returned to FuturesCash wallet automatically after the staking period.