FCT - Governance Token


FCT is the platform token of FuturesCash, a leading crypto wallet that offers a range of services to empower users in the digital asset ecosystem. As the native token of the platform, FCT holds significant importance in shaping the governance, staking, and premium offerings within the FuturesCash ecosystem.

While the vision and planning for FCT’s governance role are underway, it currently serves as a staking asset, allowing users to participate in the Staking program and earn USD-based interest. This interest represents the wallet’s operational profits, acting as a form of dividend distribution to participating users. The earned USD can currently be utilized to top-up the Futures Card for spending, enhancing the usability of digital assets within the wallet.

Participation in the FCT Staking program also grants users premium membership status within the wallet. As premium members, users enjoy various benefits, including fee discounts, access to exclusive features, and other special privileges. This membership status enhances the user experience and provides additional value for active participants in the ecosystem.

FCT is designed to play a crucial role in driving the growth, sustainability, and innovation of FuturesCash. By holding FCT, users become active participants in shaping the platform, securing their assets, and accessing a wide range of premium services. Through the integration of FCT, FuturesCash aims to foster active participation, loyalty, and continued growth within the community. As the platform evolves, FCT will evolve with it, unlocking further opportunities and benefits for its holders.

Token Distribution and Current Stage

The distribution of FCT tokens was meticulously planned to ensure fairness and inclusivity at its launch in 2021. Since then, adjustments have been made to align with the evolving ecosystem and global economic conditions.

As of June 2023, the FCT token distribution stands as follows:

FCT BSC contract address:0xce7709B026ED17B25fEDF64b6A4c48F23580c429

1.Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 FCT

2.Using is Mining (UIM): 40% (400,000,000 FCT)

 1.The Using is Mining campaign successfully incentivized user participation and engagement within the FuturesCash platform by offering rewards in the form of FCT tokens. This initiative aimed to empower individuals to become part of the consensus mechanism while sharing in the platform’s growth. The campaign has concluded, accomplishing its intended objectives.

3.Futures Foundation: 25% (250,000,000 FCT)

 1.The Futures Foundation received a significant allocation of tokens intended for strategic investments and partnerships. In line with promoting a sustainable and robust ecosystem, the Foundation has chosen to lock its allocation, demonstrating its long-term commitment to the project’s success and stability.

4.Team and Development: 20% (200,000,000 FCT)

 1.A portion of the token supply was reserved for the team and development efforts, facilitating the continuous operation, marketing, research, and development of the FuturesCash platform. Similar to the Futures Foundation, the team allocation is also locked, ensuring alignment with the project’s long-term vision and goals.

5.Airdrop: 10% (100,000,000 FCT)

 1.A designated allocation of tokens was distributed through an airdrop to Pi Futures miners, recognizing their contributions to the community and fostering wider participation in the project. The airdrop has concluded, providing an equitable distribution of FCT to eligible participants.

6.Private Sale: 5% (50,000,000 FCT)

A segment of the token supply was allocated for private sale, allowing early supporters and strategic partners to participate in the project’s growth. The private sale has concluded, with the allocated tokens distributed to the respective participants.

It is important to note that the distribution plan accounts for the successful completion of these initiatives, and the respective allocations have been fulfilled as planned.

The current stage of FCT involves the implementation of various ecosystem initiatives, including the highly anticipated FCT Staking Program 2.0. This program offers FCT holders the opportunity to stake their tokens and earn rewards in USD, enhancing user engagement and participation within the platform.

Investment Philosophy

At FuturesCash, our investment philosophy is rooted in fostering real-world applications of crypto assets and driving meaningful adoption beyond speculation. We believe that cryptocurrencies have the potential to revolutionize traditional financial systems and empower individuals with greater control over their financial lives.

Our investment portfolio encompasses a diverse range of blockchain categories, carefully selected to align with our vision and contribute to the growth of the crypto ecosystem. These categories include:

 1.Crypto Mining: We recognize the importance of supporting the underlying infrastructure of blockchain networks through investments in crypto mining operations. By participating in mining activities, we contribute to network security and decentralization, promoting the overall stability of the crypto ecosystem.

 2.DeFi, NFT, and GameFi: We actively invest in decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and game-based financial initiatives (GameFi) to drive innovation and explore new avenues for blockchain application. These sectors showcase the potential for novel financial instruments, digital collectibles, and immersive gaming experiences that leverage the power of blockchain technology.

 3.Data Services and Tools: We recognize the crucial role of data in the crypto ecosystem and invest in data services and tools that facilitate accurate market analysis, robust security measures, and reliable information dissemination. By supporting the development of data-driven solutions, we aim to empower users with the insights needed to make informed decisions.

 4.Crypto Payments and Merchant Services: We actively seek opportunities to invest in crypto payment solutions and merchant services that enable seamless integration of cryptocurrencies into daily transactions. By supporting these initiatives, we aim to accelerate the adoption of crypto as a mainstream payment method, making it accessible and convenient for individuals and businesses worldwide.

 5.Blockchain Infrastructure: We believe in the importance of building a strong and scalable blockchain infrastructure. Hence, we invest in projects that enhance the underlying technology, such as layer-1 protocols, interoperability solutions, and scalability solutions. By fostering robust infrastructure, we contribute to the long-term sustainability and growth of the entire blockchain ecosystem.

Through our strategic investments, we aim to create synergies within the crypto industry and actively contribute to the development of a thriving and sustainable ecosystem. Our investment decisions are driven by thorough research, due diligence, and alignment with our mission to make cryptocurrencies a seamless part of everyday life.

By embracing innovative projects and fostering collaboration with like-minded partners, we strive to unlock the full potential of blockchain technology and drive positive change in the financial landscape. This investment philosophy guides us in identifying opportunities that align with our vision, while ensuring the long-term growth and value appreciation of FCT and the FuturesCash ecosystem.

Attachment: Token distribution plan at the first launch in 2021

The initial token distribution plan for FCT at its first launch in late 2021 was carefully designed to ensure a fair and balanced distribution among participants. The following outlines the allocation of tokens:

1.Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 FCT

2.Using is Mining (UIM): 40%, 400,000,000 FCT

  1.This portion of tokens was allocated for the Using is Mining mechanism, where users could earn FCT by actively using the FuturesCash platform and participating in various activities. These tokens were distributed to incentivize user engagement and foster community growth.

3.Futures Foundation: 25%, 250,000,000 FCT

  1.A significant portion of tokens was reserved for the Futures Foundation, which focuses on strategic investments and partnerships. These tokens were locked and will gradually unlock in tandem with FCT released via the Using is Mining mechanism.

4.Team and Development: 20%, 200,000,000 FCT

  1.Tokens were allocated for the team and development efforts, supporting the ongoing operation, marketing, research, and development of the FuturesCash platform. Similar to the Futures Foundation, these tokens were locked and will unlock in alignment with the release of FCT through the Using is Mining mechanism.

5.Airdrop: 10%, 100,000,000 FCT

  1.A portion of tokens was set aside for airdrop distribution to Pi Futures miners, rewarding their contributions to the community.

6.Private Sale: 5%, 50,000,000 FCT

  1.Tokens were allocated for private sale, providing an opportunity for early supporters and strategic partners to participate in the project.